Hi, my name is Osama
I am a fullStack webDeveloper.

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A software Developer. With ~4 years of freelance experience. Have a software architecture, design, implementation and problem-solving skills

My passion for computers started from a young age, where I participated in Intel robotics competitions and built many programs using Python and PHP. Upon graduation from school, I decided to follow my passion in programming and study computer science, and I participated in many programming and competitive competitions in addition to building many Projects with different technologies and building a strong personal brand as a freelancer. I have a range of interests such as web3, AI, cyber security

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web-based system provides an easy way for students to track their volunteer work and hours. It includes reporting features and admin options, making it a comprehensive solution for managing volunteer activities. With our system, students can monitor their progress, generate custom reports, and showcase their achievements to potential employers or academic institutions.

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OH POS, a cutting-edge point of sale system built using .NET framework. OH POS features an intuitive and easy-to-use interface that makes it simple to manage your personal sales operations. Its streamlined database makes it easy to keep track of your inventory and sales data.

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This is a web application that generates quotes in Arabic or English languages. It uses an API to fetch the quotes and displays them on the webpage. Users can copy the quote to the clipboard or share it on Twitter.

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This is a web project that leverages NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) API to showcase daily images, videos, and data from the universe. The project aims to educate and inspire visitors to learn more about space and astronomy through a visually stunning and engaging platform.

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innovative on-demand car wash application. This app includes a user-friendly interface for both the admin and users, allowing for seamless communication and efficient order processing. The admin interface enables comprehensive order tracking and management features, enabling real-time updates and effective customer service. The user interface, on the other hand, offers convenient location tracking and order history, as well as a secure payment system upon arrival.

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